Doing "The Work"


The angels of healing are spiritual beings dedicated to serving humanity. We can contact them when we reach out in the name of the Christ. Christ is the embodiment of love. Love is a healing power. We become channels of service when we act as transmitters of healing energy.

We can do this by visualizing the sick person, holding his image or name clearly in our mind’s eye. Then invoke the healing angels to descend and pour energy upon the sick person. Your mental image will guide the angels to the person in need. Visualize the healing angels standing around the sick person, flooding him* with an emerald green light flecked with gold.

It is important that the sick person asks for help. Asking opens the psychic door so the angels may enter.

When you are sick, ask the angels to heal you. Feel their healing energy as a psychic rain falling upon your head and shoulders.

With a calm mind and loving heart my thoughts carry healing.


Angels of healing, descend.
In the name of the Christ, I call upon you to pour your healing energy upon _____(person’s name). Charge her/his body and mind with healing light and love.
Dislodge the blocks within his nature.
Restore his body to perfect health.


In the past, thousands of people took flight from the city into the monastery and the desert to live a religious life. Some lived in caves and others sat on stone pillars trying to be spiritual. This does not belong to the New Age. Not by running away from people but through becoming one with the Christ where you are now is today’s approach.

Through giving love to everyone does one liberate oneself and move with love, light, and freedom, thus be- coming one with the spiritual presence. The spiritual light cannot be kept for oneself; otherwise it will fade out. But by touching everyone with the love of the Christ that flows through you heart, you are moving in rhythm with the New Age.

In your mind, you may see a hundred people ev- ery day. When you are in a state of radiance, everyone is touched. There is no space in mind.

The love of the Christ flows through me. Every hour I touch a brother.


Consciousness of the love of God and the divine pres- ence in your home can be realized when you look into the face of your beloved and see the Holy Mother or the Christ. One must perceive beyond the personality and behold the true aspect. When man and woman thus united in love see the real person, a contact is made on a spiritual level. This invokes the blessings from the higher worlds. This is the yoga of union or marriage.

This same principle we see in the cosmos. The stars reach out toward one another. The gods aspire in the same manner. Union can only take place through deep love and devotion. Love is wisdom and the true vision of the divine in your beloved. This is a royal path to the mountaintop. This is the great meditation.

If you sit for hours and see angels dance around you and you do not love your beloved, you are on the wrong path.

The love of Christ flowing through my heart is the key to the mysteries.


We do not see the world as it is in reality because humanity is under the cloak of a universal hypnosis. This is a plan of nature; it is a protective shield. You could not stand to see the reality of the spiritual world. The vibration would destroy your body. Thus, the veils of illusion are burned slowly through the transformation of your nature. As the spiritual vibration pours into your body and mind, your vision increases and the veils begin to fall away. Thus, you build up the spiritual strength within that prepares you to see reality all around you.

You open the door to the spiritual forces through discipline, diet, love, and service. A proper diet is the first discipline. It purifies the body enough so that you can take the spiritual force. Otherwise, there is resistance. Compassion is the fire that burns the veils.

Every experience helps me to burn the veils through compassion.

* Earth Journey Books Editior's Suggested Mantras.

The Work

Herman described the process of putting his teachings into practice as "The work." This section contains some of his lessons that describe conceptual concepts as well as actual practices that supported that work. Love everyone -- how on earth can you do that? How do I connect with the Christ and the angelic host? Methods of healing. Dealing with the difficulties of everyday life. These issues and more are touched on here.
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Labeled "a book of mystical experiences," THE HIDDEN DOOR TO REALITY" contains a collection of Herman Rednick's poems and other short writings. A few of those poems are presented here. While listed on Amazon, both soft or hardcover copies of the book are avaiable at the website, new, at more resonable prices.
Cover of book "The Hidden Door To Reality'


Herman Rednick Practices. 

One central issue that many students of Herman faced was how to fulfill the fundamental Christ instruction: Love one Another.  Often a student would come to Herman for guidance on how to resolve a problem they were experiencing for a family member, parent or friend.  “Send the a beam of love” he would reply.  “But I’m doing that” most students would reply.  To which he always responded: “Love more.”  How exactly do we do that?

Herman fundamental practices described by the editors in the introductions of the Earth Journey Books.

Lessons that describe some basic concepts and practices that Herman taught.


100 Christ-centered lessons

In 2002, Robert Van Arsdale collected 100 of Herman’s Christ-focused lessons and self-published them in a booklet titled “The Cosmic Christ.” The content is available here.

Introduction to the collection – The Editorial Notes and Preface to the collection.

The Lessons Chronologically arranged.

Poems and Music

Herman described many of his experiences on the spiritual path, both worldly and other worldly, in poetry.   The poems, his words, and other writings inspired songs written by a handful of his musically talented students.  

Poetry: A collection of his poetry was published in the book “Hidden Door to Reality.” These are a few selected from that book.
Meditation sessions with Herman began and/or ended with music written and sung by class members. You can listen to a few here.

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About these Lessons
There is a group in northern New Mexico that meets weekly. One or two of Herman’s lessons are read. These become the focus of the week’s meditations. As it has been since the very beginning of Herman’s teachings, those gathered read aloud reflections on their meditations, contributing and expanding our understanding of the teachings

Lesssons – A chronological listing of the weekly lessons with links to the lessons themselves.
Titles – An alphabetical listing of the titles of the lessons, with links.
Mantras – An alphabetical listing of the mantras of the lessons, with links.
First Lines – An alphabetic listing of the first line of each lesson, with links.

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